Saturday, July 30, 2011

Innovative Proposal

19 years ago Bay Farm School opened as a school of choice with a technology focus. Over the years, through many years of budget cuts, we lost our K-6 configuration, single track Year Round calendar,and specialized schedules, and cutting edge technology integration.

But we now have a chance to launch our 20th year with an Innovative Proposal....21st Century Learning at Bay Farm! We are so excited!

We are working on our proposal right now. There are four major components:
  • Configuration
  • Calendars and Schedules
  • 21st Century Learning
  • 1:1 Technology Initiative 
These components are being developed using best practices and researched strategies within a process that involves students, teacher, parents, and our community.

Here's a link to our initial proposal.
Here's a link to followup additional proposal information.
Here's a link to our Survey results on grade level configuration.
Here's a link to our Theories of Action

I'll add more links as we develop our implementation plan due in November for Board of Education review and approval.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Learning together!

Launching today...a new blog sharing how we will be using iPads to build collaborative intelligence and develop a 1:1 digital learning environment K-5.

This blog will share technology tools and strategies we are implementing as we explore using iPads and netbooks to build collaborative intelligence together and consider them for our 1:1 Technology Initiative in a schoolwide wireless learning environment within our Innovative Proposal for  2012-2013.

I hope to share ideas, projects, resources, and plans we implement during our weekly Library/Media Center visits K-5 this school year.

Come along with us!