Friday, October 14, 2011

Media Center Mapwork

Learning book locations in the Library are lessons we do at each grade level. It is important to know how to search for a book or series using the online catalog you are interested in checking out, as well as being able to locate it on the shelf. But why not make the  learning process  fun and build collaborative intelligence at the same time? Throw in some iPads and team challenge and you have  Media Center Mapwork!

Students use the  Mapwork website to answer challenge questions in any order. The challenge questions are on the lab computers, but they must answer the questions using ABC Notes on the iPad at their Table Team. The goal is for the team to answer as many questions as they can within a 15 minute period. They will score one point for each correct answer, but will score 5 points if their whole team can actually locate the book or series in the question. (So my real goal is for everyone to teach each other where books are located in the library). Their ticket out the door is to share with me a location and book that they didn't know before, that they learned during the Scanvenger Hunt.

About ABCNotes for iPad:

A few ways I'm using ABCNotes right now:
-On my iPad under the doc reader I share the day's agenda each hour with my classes so they know what our goals for the visit are.
-Table Team competitions and WebQuests where each team records their answers and comments throughout an activity
-Brainstorming anything and everything
-Recommending titles of great books that were just returned while we are logging them in on our reading journals
-Listing questions we have while we are researching for classroom activities and projects
-Sharing ideas during Table Talk to share out with the class

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